Thursday, February 27, 2014

You Can Run But You Can't Hide

I just finished the book You Can Run But You Can't Hide by Duane "Dog" Chapman. I have never actually seen the show, but I haven't heard good things about it. I've had some people complain about the fact that he doesn't use a real gun. I still wanted to read the book though, bounty hunting is a really interesting subject.

I read through the entire book and loved every second of it. Dog had such an interesting (and terrible) life growing up. I was really curious about how he became a bounty hunter, and now I know. I also found out why he doesn't carry a real gun, and I was able to use that in a conversation with someone who didn't like the show.

I found myself constantly telling my boyfriend different things about his life. I would say that he is a little bit cocky, but if you grew up like him, and had caught over 6,000 people, who wouldn't be? The book is definitely a great read, and although it's an autobiography, it's a never-ending story of excitement.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Dog, bounty hunting, or autobiographies. A great read!

Rating: 10/10

Click here to view the image
Click here to purchase You Can Run But You Can't Hide

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Johnny Got His Gun

I just finished reading the book Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. There was one thing that bothered me about this book. The entire thing was just run-on sentences. The only punctuation that was used were periods and apostrophes. But then I started thinking about it, and realized there is a good reason for this. All the character can do is think.

This is a book about a boy who goes off to war, and after a bomb hits, he loses his face, all except for his forehead. He is literally blind, deaf, and he cannot speak. It is later discovered that the doctor's had to amputate both his arms and his legs. So now he cannot walk, or ever hold anything again. He is just a torso with a head, that can do nothing but lay there and think.

It really is a beautiful story and definitely worth reading. The run-on sentences aren't too hard to get used to, especially if you're like me and know where punctuation goes. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in war.

Rating: 6/10

Click here to view the image
Click here to purchase Johnny Got His Gun (sneak peek available)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson

Twisted is a book about a boy who did something referred to as the "Foul Deed". This book is the story of his life after the deed and what he goes through with his family, the girl he's crushing on, etc. It's a really good story, and there were some parts that kept me on my toes. I wanted to keep reading to find out what was going to happen.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys young adult books. Some people will probably be able to relate to this book in one way or another, and even if they can't, the story is fantastic.

Rating: 8/10

Click here to view the image
Click here to purchase Twisted (sneak peek available)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld

I just recently read the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld and I'm not 100% sure how I felt about it. The story line was great and I thought the idea for the books was extremely interesting, but at the same time not totally catchy.

I read through the first two books like it was my job, but when I get to the third, and by the time I made it to the fourth, I just wanted to be done with the series and move on.

I'd have to say that it really was a good series, and I have already recommended it to others, but having read a lot of books it was too predictable for me. I could guess almost everything that was going to happen and for me personally, it didn't have that element of surprise.

I do know other people who have loved the series and read it more than once, so if you were looking into it, or you want to, I would definitely tell you to give it a chance!

The series is about a girl named Tally Youngblood, and all the transformations that she ends up having to go through. Everyone is born "ugly", and at sixteen they get an operation that turns them into a pretty, a "bubblehead". The cities are very restricted, there's lots of parties, and they use hoverboards and hovercars for transportation. From what I got out of it, it's supposed to be the future, after our time. But I could be wrong!

I would definitely give this series a chance if you haven't read it yet, because you may like it!

Rating: 6/10.

Click here to view the image
Click here to purchase the series

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Vinted is a website/app where us ladies can buy, sell, and swap clothes! Simply go online or download the app and start shopping! The purchases go directly through Vinted, so when purchasing an item you always get it before your seller gets the money. Trading is not through the actually company, therefore there is not much they can do if you send a person an item and don't get your item in return.

It's a great way to sell any old clothes that you just don't have room for anymore! What about those horrific items that you got from your aunt from Christmas? Sell them on Vinted, someone else might like them!

Browse through a dozen different categories of items, and find the best clothes for you!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Valentine's Day Gifts For Him

Valentine's Day is up and coming, and gift suggestions are everywhere! My advice is, don't buy your boyfriend something cute, lovey, and cheesy unless he is a hopeless romantic. If he is not, then chances are he won't be very excited about his gift. He may love it anyway, because it's the thought that counts, but you want to get him something great.

My boyfriend loves computers and working on them, so I'll probably buy him tools for Valentine's Day! Whoa, what a twist on the love department.

My suggestion for you, buy him something that goes along with what he likes. If he likes to play baseball, buy him new baseballs! If he likes to work on cars, but him something that can be used to work on cars. It's simple, and quite easy to please a boy! But make sure you know about the gifts you're buying, or take one of his friend's with you, just to make sure that you don't get him something that's useful but also easily breakable, or just plain crap.

If you really have no idea, wine is always nice.
Click here to purchase wine

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Valentine's Gifts For Her

Valentine's Day is coming up and it can sometimes be hassle trying to decide what to get for your significant other. I'm here to help! Here are some examples of great Valentine's Day gifts for her.

Chocolate is a common and wonderful gift for any girl (except those that are allergic!) during the holidays. So if you're going to buy her chocolate, why not buy her Dove chocolate?
Purchase Dove chocolate here for $12.99!

Another common option? Roses! Buy 12 beautiful for roses for your lovely lady this year for only $49!
Purchase roses here!

It can be hard to pick out the right piece of jewelry for your girlfriend at Valentine's Day, but here's a beautiful choice! An XPY Sterling Silver and 14k Yellow Gold Diamond heart-shaped ring with a ruby. Absolutely lovely, and if you purchase now you could save $136!
Purchase ring here!

My last suggestion is Sarah Jessica Parker's perfume Lovely. Give your girlfriend a lovely smelling perfume for Valentine's Day, and put a lovely smile on her face. See what I did there? Purchase soon and you could save $46!
Purchase perfume here

I hope you find the right choice for your girlfriend this year and she's satisfied with your gift! Happy Valentine's Day!

Check back in tomorrow for Valentine's Gifts For Him.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Silk is an Interactive Generative Art program online. The photo above is an example of what can be done on Silk. I've made a few pieces, more will be shown below.

Silk allows you to choose from and blend 7 different colors and choose from 6 different options of rotational symmetry. You can also choose if you want a mirroring effect, or if you want it to spiral towards the center. You can notice in the photo above that I had the mirroring effect turned on.

This program is a fun way to come up with cool and creative photos. I personally use mine for an awesome desktop background. Make millions of different designs with Silk, and let your artistic abilities appear!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Growing Up. Dealing With Life.

I grew up in a Christian home and I always hated it. I hated having to go to church and sit through sermons about a God that I didn't believe in. But I've come to realize that it had its perks.

I didn't have to grow up dealing with alcoholic parents, or parents who were on drugs. I just grew up in a family where we all stuck to ourselves. I didn't grow up having abusive parents. I didn't grow up having anything eternally scarring.

What I have realized though is that I'm just the same as everyone else when it comes to death. But I'm not really sure how to handle it. I haven't had to deal with deaths in my family in a long time. My Uncle died of a drug when I was young, and it never really bothered me until I got older, because we weren't very close. But as I got older that's when it it hit me: I never really knew my uncle.

I didn't find out why he actually died until years after his death, and I cried because my parents had lied to me. I always find myself wishing that my I had known my uncle for a longer period of time, that he had survived just a few more years. But of course we can't turn back time. And just from that one death it's been eating at me for years, a constant sadness in the back of my mind that I can get rid of.

So it makes me wonder, how do people deal with death? I guess I just don't understand.

Monday, February 3, 2014

January Review

Here are all the subjects that I covered in January:
  • The Perks of Being A Wallflower (book and movie)
  • Boxes (app)
  • Moving (opinion)
  • Webkinz (website)
  • What If I Died? (thoughts)
  • Trip To Connecticut (personal experience)
  • Tap-To-Cook (app)

The Fault In Our Stars

The very first book that I ever read by John Green was Looking For Alaska and I was blown away. I recently decided it was time to look into something else by John Green, and decided The Fault In Our Stars was a good place to start. I was right.

This book has so much sadness, but so much hilarity at the same time. I laughed and cried through the whole thing.

If you're a fan of John Green, sad or funny books, or a mix of both, I definitely recommend this!

Click here to purchase this book
Click here to view the image

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kappa Word-Find Pads

One of my favorite things to do in my spare time: a word search or two! I have recently been purchasing the Kappa Jumbo Word-Find Pads. I got mine at my local Dollar Tree, so you may be able to find it there!

There are tons of different categories of words to find, for example: Pulitzer Poets, Presidential Debates, Slumber Party, Motorcycle Craze, and more!

If you like to do a word search every once in a while, or even every day, I would definitely suggest these word find books.

Click here to purchase a Kappa Word-Find Book
Click here to view image